Children's Club meets at 6:00 P.M. on Tuesdays. CCC is now taking the place of CYC, our Christian scouting program. It is for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Each night there will be songs, crafts, activities, Bible lessons, refreshments, and prayers. We are looking to do service projects and outdoor adventures when the weather allows. The children learn valuable Christian principles and life skills under dynamic leadership.
Sunday School is on Sundays at 11:30 AM (during the service). It is for children and teenagers. There are age appropriate activities that reinforce the Bible and the Biblical lessons taught that morning.
Our Vacation Bible School is the best in the South Bay. It teaches children Christian principles and are centered around having fun. Every Summer we take our church kids to Alpine Christian Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains. They take nature hikes, sing songs, make crafts, play paintball, swim, and learn to love God deeply.
There is a nursery for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers during Sunday School / church.