You Are Loved


Who We Are

We are a basic Bible church in the Methodist tradition of John and Charles Wesley. We were founded in 1945 and believe in filling the church with happy Christian families. We want to help people to better understand the Bible and the love Jesus Christ has for them.


We Believe…

  • In God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus Christ, the Son, suffered in our place on the cross.

  • He died for our sins and rose again.

  • He now sits at the Father's right hand until He returns to judge all people on the last day.

  • In the Holy Scriptures as the inspired Word of God.

  • By the grace of God, every person has the ability and responsibility to choose between right and wrong, and those who repent of their sin and believe in the Lord Jesus are justified by faith.

  • God not only counts the believers as righteous, but makes them righteous, freeing them from sin's domination, purifying their hearts by faith and perfecting them in love, providing for their growth in grace, and enabling them through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to live a good life.

  • God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our life that includes love, peace, and joy every day

  • He listens to our prayers and has already made provisions for all our needs.

  • He has something good for us to do each day and different works of service during the seasons of our life.

  • God loves the church and has chosen the community of believers as the main instrument of His grace, healing, and worship.

  • In helping all people.


The Bible

We want people to develop their convictions based on the Bible and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We respect each other. The emphasis is on personal, practical application. God will speak to the needs of our lives if we listen.

We offer age-appropriate Sunday School for all young people during the service for all ages: Preschool, early Elementary, older Elementary, and teenagers. After someone has attended for an extended period, they will know all of the books of the Bible, the stories of the Old Testament, the Ten Commandments, the teaching and life of Jesus, and the history and doctrines of the church.

There is a Christian Basics class that teaches about God, Jesus, salvation, grace, faith, forgiveness, temptation, and life in the Spirit. After Christian Basics is a course of study covering the major teachings of the Bible. It is an individualized study that helps one discover and develop personal spiritual gifts and ministry.

Mid-week Home Bible Studies provide an opportunity to study and discuss a book of the Bible in depth. Being Bible Christians is important to the Lawndale Wesleyan Church. God's peace and blessing come as we rest in His Word.